14 March 2010

"Ang Pangamba ng Makatang Nakapiit at Di-Makasulat ng Tula" (Axel Pinpin)

The Predicament of a Poet Incarcerated and Unable to Write a Poem

If the poetry-maker is dream,
his illusions are well-versed in that routine,
in half-sleep the dream is alive, resting
between freshness of memories
and nearness to truth of colors,
                     scurrilous verses,
                         versed songs.
The colors of his hopes are singing.

But the poetry-maker is not dream,
the poet awakens in chains,
                                                   in haste
to escape the pull of hiss-hitch-heat
which dissects the pith of fury and hate,
the fitfulness to truth of techniques,
                         praxis and tricks.
The geometry of his experience is practical.

August 20, 2006

- translated from Filipino, from Axel Pinpin's Tugmaang Matatabil (Southern Voices Printing Press, 2008)

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