13 September 2010

A guide to online writings of Roberto Bolaño

(Updated Aug. 2013)

This is a compilation of the links to Roberto Bolaño’s writing that were made available online. The works are limited only to translations in English.


from Last Evenings on Earth, trans. Chris Andrews

"Sensini", The Barcelona Review

"A Literary Adventure" [audio], Miette’s Bedtime Story Podcast

"Phone Calls", New Directions website
Also translated by Mark Schafer for Grand Street (reproduced here)

"Last Evenings on Earth", The New Yorker

"Gómez Palacio", The New Yorker
"Gómez Palacio" (audio), read by Daniel Alarcón, The New Yorker fiction podcast 

"Dance Card", PEN American Center

from The Return, trans. Chris Andrews

"William Burns", The New Yorker
Audio reading/podcast can be downloaded here or here.

"Clara", The New Yorker
"Clara" (audio), read by Francisco Goldman, The New Yorker fiction podcast 

"Prefiguration of Lalo Cura", The New Yorker

"Meeting with Enrique Lihn", The New Yorker

from The Insufferable Gaucho, trans. Chris Andrews

"The Insufferable Gaucho", The New Yorker

"Álvaro Rousselot’s Journey", The New Yorker

from Between Parentheses

"Beach", trans. Riley Hanick

from The Secret of Evil, trans. Chris Andrews

"Scholars of Sodom", NYRblog
"Labyrinth", The New Yorker
"I Can't Read", Harper's
"The Tour", trans. Guillermo Parra

from Nazi Literature in the Americas, trans. Chris Andrews

"The Mendiluce Clan", The Virginia Quarterly Review

"The Many Masks of Max Mirebalais", Words Without Borders

"The Fabulous Schiaffino Boys", Bookforum


from The Romantic Dogs

"Self Portrait at Twenty Years", trans. Laura Healy, The Threepenny Review

"Resurrection", trans. Laura Healy (reproduced here)

"Ernesto Cardenal and I", trans. Laura Healy, Poetry Foundation site

"The Worm", trans. Laura Healy, New Directions website

"The Front Line", "The Detectives", "The Lost Detectives", "The Frozen Detectives", trans. Laura Healy (reproduced here)

"Visit to the Convalescent", trans. Laura Healy, The Review of Arts, Literature, Philosophy and the Humanities

"Godzilla in Mexico", trans. Laura Healy (reproduced in Periódico de Poesía and in The Guardian); also trans. B. H. Boston, Poetry International

"My Life in the Tubes of Survival", trans. Laura Healy, Boston Review

from Antwerp, trans. Natasha Wimmer

"Praise to the highways", Harper's

Excerpt, Scribd

from The Unknown University

"Roberto Bolaño’s Devotion", trans. Laura Healy, NYRBlog

"A Fly Inside a Fly a Thought Inside a Thought and Mario Santiago Inside Mario Santiago", trans. Laura Healy, Boston Review

"Mexican Manifesto", trans. Laura Healy, The New Yorker

"When Lisa Told Me", trans. Laura Healy, The Paris Review

"Victory", trans. Guillermo Parra

"Now your body is shaken by...", trans. Guillermo Parra

"Gypsies", trans. Guillermo Parra

"Post Scriptum", trans. Guillermo Parra

"I’ll give you an abyss, she said...", trans. Guillermo Parra

"A Sonnet", trans. Guillermo Parra

"The Lost Detectives", trans. Guillermo Parra

"Applause", trans. Tim Pilcher

"All the Wind", trans. Tim Pilcher

from Tres, trans. Laura Healy

"Tales of the Autumn in Gerona" [excerpt], trans. Erica Mena, Words Without Borders

"16 poems" [excerpt, limited-time preview], BOMB
Also linked here

"Excerpts from A Stroll Through Literature", Aldus

"Table Talk", The Threepenny Review

"Laura Healy reads for U35 at the Mass Poetry Festival" (video), YouTube


"I Never Went to Blanes" by Diego Trelles Paz, trans. Carolina De Robertis, n+1

" 'Dear Ruffinelli': My Private Correspondence (Just One Letter) with Roberto Bolaño (The Secret Life of a Uruguayan Poet)" by Jorge Ruffinelli, excerpted and translated by Max McClure and Alice Nam, The Claw Magazine

"One Classic, One Modern: The Brief Correspondence of Roberto Bolaño and Enrique Lihn" by Annette Leddy, East of Borneo


"First Infrarealist Manifesto" (trans. Tim Pilcher ; trans. altarpiece)

"The Corridor with No Apparent Exit" [excerpt], trans. unidentified, The Virginia Quarterly Review

from The Insufferable Gaucho

"Literature + Sickness = Sickness" [excerpt], trans. unidentified, News from the Republic of Letters

from Between Parentheses, trans. Natasha Wimmer

"Fragments of a return to a native land" [audio, excerpt, the essay starts at 27:40]

"The Caracas Speech", trans. David Noriega, Triple Canopy

"Advice on the Art of Writing Short Stories", trans. David Draper Clark, Molossus in partnership with World Literature Today

"A Powerful Endorsement", Granta [excerpt from the essay "Neuman, Touched by Grace"]

"Eight Seconds with Nicanor Parra", trans. Guillermo Parra

"Ernesto Cardenal", trans. Guillermo Parra

"Translation Is An Anvil", trans. Guillermo Parra

"An Afternoon with Huidobro and Parra", trans. Guillermo Parra

"Exile and Literature", The Nation

"Who Would Dare?", NYRblog

"Exiles", NYRBlog

"The City: Geneva and Madrid", Newsweek


"Posthumous Nostalgia for Roberto Bolaño" by Alfonso Carvajal, El Nacional, trans. Guillermo Parra

from Roberto Bolaño: The Last Interview

"The Last Interview," interview by Mónica Maristain [excerpt], trans. Sybil Perez, Paper Cuts

"Roberto Bolaño," interview by Mónica Maristain [pdf, excerpt], trans. Sybil Perez, Five Dials

"Roberto Bolaño" by Carmen Boullosa, trans. Margaret Carson, Bomb


  1. Rise, belated thanks for this very useful set of links! Also, I accidentally discovered you on Shelfari tonight (I think that's where it was anyway) when I was looking up info online on Guimarães Rosa's Grande sertão: Veredas. It's a small world, I guess!

  2. Karlo, Jeremy, Richard: You're welcome.

    Richard: Small world, small sertão, maybe. :)

  3. Thank you Rise - this is very helpful. I stumbled on your blog when I realized that you too are doing the book read on Conversational Reading! Happy reading.

  4. Hi, Madhuri! Small, small world. Books are like bridges!

  5. parrish: You're welcome. Yes, I have downloaded Wimmer's essay before. Certainly a go-to bio of Bolaño.

  6. No problem, parrish. Thanks for linking to it.

  7. Thanks for the link, Robert. I've added it. I haven't updated this post for 5+ years! There must be many more stories and excerpts, especially from posthumous books, available online that were not included here.
